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We will invite a range of active researchers expertized in a) observations of HI gas, galaxy structures, ISM physics, and galaxy interactions & environments; b) cosmological simulations of galaxy formation and evolution, galaxy dynamics and semi-analytical models.
Attendants will be via invitation only and the total number will be limited to a maximum of 35. This is to ensure a strong interaction among all attendants. Unfortunately, this means that we are going to miss a lot of amazing world experts in this field. However, you can always bring a bottle of fine Australian wine to your favourite colleagues who can't attend! or flaunt pictures on social media to make them feel better ? :P
Confirmed attendants:
Leo Alcorn (Texas A&M)
Rob Bassett (Swinburne)
Kelly Blumenthal (IfA, Hawaii)
Blakesley Burkhart (CfA, Harvard)
Nell Byler (ANU)
Joss Bland-Hawthorn* (U. Sydney)
Barbara Catinella (UWA)
Renyue Cen (Princeton)
Michelle Cluver (Swinburne)
Luca Cortese (UWA)
Michael Dopita* (ANU)
Ahmed Elagali (UWA)
Lilian Garratt-Smithson (UWA)
Karl Glazebrook* (Swinburne)
Anshu Gupta (UNSW)
Lars Hernquist (CfA, Havard)
Ivo Labbe (Swinburne)
Glenn Kacprzak (Swinburne)
Lisa Kewley (ANU)
Chiaki Kobayashi* (U. Hertforshire)
Baerbel Koribalski (CSIRO)
Conor McPartland (IfA, Hawaii)
Trevor Mendel (ANU)
Erica Nelson (CfA, Harvard)
Ana-Roxana Pop (CfA, Harvard)
Anna Rosen (CfA, Harvard)
David Sanders (IfA, Hawaii)
Adam Stevens (UWA)
Philip Taylor (ANU)
Kim-Vy Tran (UNSW)
Dian/Pipit Triani (Swinburne)
Fiorenzo Vincenzo (U. Hertfordshire)
Mark Vogelsberger (MIT)
Emily Wisnioski (ANU)
Tiantian Yuan (Swinburne)
* can't make it, schedule changed ...
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